Untuk informasi lebih lanjut maupun pengaduan eror pada jurnal, silakan menghubungi Pusat Pengelola Jurnal Universitas (PPJU) melalui line telfon (0275) 321494 atau email: uppjki@umpwr.ac.id
Radiasi : Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika
Abbreviation :Radiasi
DOI Prefix :10.37729/radiasi
ISSN :2302-6111(p), 2549-0826(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (April and September)
Editor in Chief :Prof.Dr.Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, M.Si.
Managing Editor :Dr. Eko Setyadi Kurniawan, M.Pd.Si.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here
Citation Analysis :Scopus | Google Schoolar
Status in Sinta :Sinta 3 -
Amnesti: Jurnal Hukum
Abbreviation :Amnesti
Publisher :Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
DOI Prefix :10.37729/amnesti
pISSN :2656 - 3029
eISSN :2775 - 0604
Frequency :Twice a year (February and August)
Editor in Chief :Agus Budi Santoso
Managing Editor :Septi Indrawati
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here
Status in Sinta :Sinta 4 -
Surya Abdimas
Abbreviation : abdimas
DOI Prefix :10.37729/abdimas
ISSN : 2580-3492 (p), 2581-0162 (e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Four times a year (January, April, July, and October)
Editor in Chief : Dr. Dwi Irawati, S.E., M.Si.
Managing Editor : Dr. Eko Setyadi Kurniawan, M.Pd.Si.
Indexing : Click here
Focus & Scope : Click here
Accreditation : Sinta 4 -
Scripta : English Department Journal
Abbreviation :scripta
DOI Prefix :10.37729/scripta
ISSN :(e) 2746-2706, (p) 2302-6677 (p)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (June and October)
Editor in Chief :Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri
Indexing :Garuda, Google scholar, Dimension, SINTA 4
Focus & Scope :Linguistics, Literature and English Education -
Jurnal Pendidikan Surya Edukasi (JPSE)
Abbreviation :JPSE
DOI Prefix :https://doi.org/10.37729/jpse
ISSN :2477-829X(p), 2541-4070(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (June and December)
Editor in Chief :Sriyono
Managing Editor :Riawan Yudi Purwoko
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM)
Abbreviation :JIPM
DOI Prefix :10.37729/jipm
ISSN :2714-8157 (e)
Frequency :Twice a year (April and Oktober)
Editor in Chief :Dr.Erni Puji Asturi, M.Pd.
Managing Editor :Dr. Riawan Yudi Purwoko -
Auto Tech: Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
Abbreviation : autotech
DOI Prefix :10.37729/autotech
ISSN : 23033738 (p), 2623-2502 (e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (January and June)
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Suyitno, M.Pd.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here
Accreditation : Sinta 5 -
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sains (JIPS)
Abbreviation :jips
DOI Prefix :10.37729/jips
ISSN :2747-1543(p), 2747-1551(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (May and November)
Editor in Chief :Dr. R.Wakhid Akhdinirwanto, M.Si.
Managing Editor :Dr. Arif Maftukhin, M.Pd.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
INTEK : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi
Abbreviation : INTEK
DOI Prefix : 10.37729/intek by Sinta
ISSN : 2620-4843 (print), 2620-4924 (online)
Type of review : Single Blind
Frequency : Two Issues/year (May and November)
Editor in Chief : Wahju Tjahjo Saputro
Indexing : Sinta-5
Focus and Scope : Focus and Scope
Citation Analysis: Scholar | Sinta -
Jurnal Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya
Abbreviation :bahtera
DOI Prefix :10.37729/bahtera
ISSN :2356-0576(p) 2579-8006 (e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (March and September)
Editor in Chief :Dr. Umi Faizah, M.Pd.
Managing Editor :Suryo Daru Santoso, M.Pd., Nurul Setyorini, M.Pd.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan
Title :Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan
Abbreviation :jrap
DOI Prefix :10.37729/jrap
ISSN :2527-9912(p), 2614-8145(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (June & December)
Editor in Chief :Roisu Eny Mudawaroch
Managing Editor : Jeki M.W. Wibawanti
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here
Surya Agritama: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Peternakan
Title :Surya Agritama: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Peternakan
Abbreviation :SA
DOI Prefix :10.37729/sa
ISSN :2252-990X (p), 2598-6082 (e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (Maret & September)
Editor in Chief :Roisu Eny Mudawaroch
Managing Editor :Dyah Panuntun Utami
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Surya Beton : Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Sipil
Title :Surya Beton: Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Sipil
Abbreviation :suryabeton
DOI Prefix :10.37729/suryabeton
ISSN :2302-5166(p), 2776-1606(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (Marc and September)
Editor in Chief :Eko Riyanto, S.T., M.T.
Managing Editor :Nurmansyah Alami, S.T., M.T.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Journal of Psychosociopreneur
Abbreviation :jpsp
DOI Prefix :10.37729/jpsp
ISSN :3026-0485(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (February and October)
Editor in Chief :Wanodya Kusumastuti, M.Psi.,Psikolog
Managing Editor :Dr. Eko Harianto, M.S.I.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Eksaminasi: Jurnal Hukum
Title :Eksaminasi: Jurnal Hukum
Abbreviation :eksaminasi
DOI Prefix :10.37729/eksaminasi
ISSN :3021-842X(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Four times a year (March, June, September, and December)
Editor in Chief :Galih Bagas Soesilo, S.H., L.LM.
Managing Editor :Muhammad Alfian, S.H., M.Hum
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here
Bagelen Community Service
Title : Bagelen Community Service
Abbreviation : BCS
DOI Prefix : 10.37729/bcs ISSN : 3026-0027(e), XXXX-XXXX(p)
Type of review : Single Blind
Frequency : Thrice a year (January, May, and August)
Editor in Chief : Budi Setiawan
Managing Editor : Septi Indrawati
Indexing : Click here
Focus & Scope : Click here -
Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya
Title : Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya
Abbreviation : j.ilmu.bahasa.
DOI Prefix : 10.37729/jibsp
ISSN : 2829-7881 (e)
Type of review : Single Blind
Frequency : Twice a year (May and November)
Editor in Chief : Dr. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd.
Managing Editor :Dr. Aris Aryanto, S.S., M.Hum.
Indexing : Google Scholar
Focus & Scope : Click here -
Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar
Title :Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar
Abbreviation :jpd
DOI Prefix :10.37729/jpd
ISSN :2746-1211(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (February and August)
Editor in Chief :Rintis RIzkia Pangestika
Managing Editor :Arum Ratnaningsih
Indexing :Google Scholar
Focus & Scope :Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar -
SEGMEN Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Title :SEGMEN Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Abbreviation :SEGMEN
DOI Prefix :10.37729/SEGMEN
ISSN :0216-938X(p), 2684-8414(e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (January and July)
Editor in Chief :Intan Puspitasari
Managing Editor :Endah Pri Ariningsih
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Volatilitas Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Vokasi
Abbreviation :jipv
DOI Prefix :10.37729/jipv
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :February, May, September, and December
Editor in Chief :Dwi Jatmoko, M.Pd.
Managing Editor :Dr. Suyitno, M.Pd.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Jurnal Gerakan Mengabdi untuk Negeri
DOI Prefix :10.37729/gemari
ISSN : 3031-5964 (e)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency : Quarterly (January, June, and November)
Editor in Chief : Dr. Eko Setyadi Kurniawan, M.Pd.Si.
Indexing : Click here
Focus & Scope : Click here -
Surya Edunomics
Title :Surya Edunomics
Abbreviation :suryaedunomics
DOI Prefix :10.37729/suryaedunomics
ISSN :2615-4005(e) 2615-403X (p)
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (May and November)
Editor in Chief :Cahyana Nursidiq
Managing Editor :Cahyo Apri S.
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here -
Media and Technology in Education
Title :Media and Technology in Education
Abbreviation :mte
DOI Prefix :10.37729/mte
Type of review :Single Blind
Frequency :Twice a year (June and December)
Editor in Chief :Siska Desy Fatmaryanti
Managing Editor :Eko Setyadi Kurniawan
Indexing :Click here
Focus & Scope :Click here
Citation Analysis :Scopus | Google Schoolar