Analisis Manajemen Risiko pada UMKM Toko Syirkah Menggunakan ISO 31000

  • Dina Nur Amelia UINSA
Keywords: Risiko, Manajemen Risiko, UMKM, Toko, ISO 31000


Syirkah Shop is a shop that sells various types of daily necessities. In carrying out business processes, of course there are risks that might hamper these business activities. The aim of this research is to analyze the possible risks that exist at the Syirkah Shop using ISO 31000 which is a standard related to risk management. This research uses a qualitative method with a Case Study Research method approach through several stages in accordance with the ISO 31000 framework. Data collection was carried out by direct observation and interviews at the Syirkah Shop. The results of the research findings showed that there were 11 possible risks that existed at the Syirkah Shop, there were 3 risks with a risk level classified as High Risk, there were 6 risks with a Medium Risk level, and there were 2 risks with a Low Risk level. Based on this analysis, risk management proposals are produced so that they can prevent and minimize possible risks that arise so that they do not disrupt business activities at the Syirkah Shop.


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How to Cite
D. N. Amelia, “Analisis Manajemen Risiko pada UMKM Toko Syirkah Menggunakan ISO 31000”, INTEK, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 56-63, Nov. 2023.