
  • Call for Paper; Volume 17 No 2 (2024)


    Radiasi: Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika welcomes research papers on a range of topics that include the field of  Physics and Application, Physics Education Studies and wished to channel their thoughts and findings, mainly related to Science Education. We invite researchers and academics to submit manuscripts with downloadable formats on the links: Radiasi Manuscript Template

    Important Date:
    Deadline for submission:
    Vol 17 No 12 September (2024) = July 2024
    Please write your manuscript in English. The authors can register and submit the manuscript at the link: Submissions
    This information can be forwarded to your fellow researchers and academics at your institution.
    For further information, please feel free to contact us:  

    Read more about Call for Paper; Volume 17 No 2 (2024)
  • Call for Editor and Reviewer


    The editorial board welcomes you to join us to be Editor or Reviewer of Radiasi: Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika.
    Participation in the peer-review process is absolutely essential to the success and reputation of the journal. Reviewers along with the editors determine which work is of quality and significance. Due to extensive readership, the research and scholarship presented will ultimately have an impact on literacy in Physics Education, nationally and internationally.
    The reviewer's name will be listed on the journal's webpage.
    Complete application form: CLICK HERE

    Read more about Call for Editor and Reviewer
  • Radiasi's Accredited


    Dear readers and authors,
    With great pleasure and gratitude to God, we inform you that Radiasi: Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika has been accredited by the Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (as Volume 9 No 1 2019). We thank the authors for their best articles and to the editors and reviewers for their dedication. We look forward to hearing your best articles for the next issues.

    Read more about Radiasi's Accredited